This is my Outline Proposal for the 4th Sem project. We had to design a energy efficient and affordable multistory building, with 1 and 2 bedroom apartments as well as a penthouse. Renderings done in SketchUp Pro with V-Ray plug-in and Plans/Sections
in Revit.
这是我在第四学期(本站译者注:即大二下学期)课程设计的方案图纸。我们需要设计一栋高能效的低能荷的多层建筑,不仅有一室和两室的公寓,还有顶层公寓。渲染是在带有V-Ray插件的SketchUp Pro里面完成的,而平面图和剖面是Revit里面完成的。
Andrei Cosmin Mogos (姓名)
Current Residence: yellow page nr 394
Favourite genre of music: many many songs, but no genres
Favourite photographer: the CANON O_o
Favourite style of art: the PIXEL"."
Operating System: retarded one
MP3 player of choice: a what?
Skin of choice: goose
Personal Quote: "I'm sorry...what?"