“因住而商”的社区商业可以深入到任何城市的每一处,直接和周边居民无缝对接,客户忠诚度高,市场前景广阔。越来越多小而美的精品式MINI PARK以精准的定位在细分航道上夺得一席之地,凭借着高颜值的空间场景、新颖丰富的业态构成和多元时尚的活动内容成为辐射周边青年及家庭,链接人与人的欢乐社交新领地。
More and more small but beautiful boutique MINI PARK has won a place in the subdivision channel with its precise positioning. With its space scene of high appearance level, novel and rich business structure and diversified and fashionable activity content, it has become a radiation to the surrounding youth and families.