版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
外墙诗歌变换(示意) 版权: UK Pavilion
这座名为“诗歌馆”的展馆由艺术家和设计师 Es Devlin 创建,建筑使用先进的人工智能机器学习算法,将参观者们输入的词汇转化为集体创作的诗歌。诗歌被投在展馆外立面的条形LED显示屏上,供人阅读,而展馆也转变为了展览本身。
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
“合唱空间” 单词变换(示意)版权: UK Pavilion
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
艺术家和设计师 Es Devlin 以融合音乐、语言和灯光的大型装置作品而闻名,2016年,在蛇形画廊(位于伦敦肯辛顿花园蛇形湖畔的一座美术馆)展出的“诗歌肖像”(Poem Portraits)项目中,Es Devlin首次探索了由机器生成诗歌的想法,以回应展出的“社会雕塑”主题。
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
算法就存在于我们的生活里,它们是我们文化中不断增长的一部分,它们输出的东西基于它们被训练的内容和训练它们的人。这个展馆表达了对英国文化多样性的理想,这种理想贯穿了我的成长过程;也表达了我们日渐觉察到的,算法在塑造我们文化的未来中所发挥的关键作用。—— EV·Devlin英国馆位于世博会“机遇”区,是与结构工程事务所Atelier One、环境设计顾问Atelier Ten、执行建筑师事务所Veretec和创意机构Avantgarde共同完成的项目。建筑结构由交叉胶合层压木材制成,木材来自实行可持续管理机制的意大利和奥地利森林。展馆的创建本身就体现了多元文化,LED条形屏幕在比利时设计,在中国生产,而算法在美国加州开发。
一天的变幻 版权: UK Pavilion
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
版权: Alin Constantin Photography
The waves have a joy of blue and gold,
波浪有蓝色和金色的喜悦and the air is green with recycling of the trees, 空气中弥漫着树木的绿色a yellow leaf一片黄叶Trembles in the autumn wind, 在秋风中颤抖and a voice is heard 听到一个声音 that is the October wind’s aglow, 那是十月的风的光芒and in that leaf the voice is organized,而在那片叶子里,声音是有组织的And in that field the voices are the same. 而在那片田地里,声音也是一样的He had the first temperatureless winter. 他度过了第一个没有温度的冬天I have been so cold myself 我自己也曾如此寒冷 I thought The streets would not remember me. 我以为街道不会记得我Triumphs from the air a will admit I did胜利来自空中,我承认我没有Not aim as far as the eye could see were all the joy of it, 在我的眼里,所有的快乐都是没有目标的and I thought the car will end and the world turn on, 我以为汽车会结束,世界会开启incalculably the sun is at my back, 太阳就在我身后,不可估量behind an Astonishing and fascinating cloud, 在一朵惊人的迷人的云后面this walk is my symbolic casting, 这种行走是我的象征性铸造This Emoless collaboration with the leaves, 这种与树叶的无情合作these green harvest of my shadow我的影子的这些绿色收获This will go on for a long time before the great, 这将在伟大之前持续很长一段时间though I have tried尽管我曾尝试I could believe in what the light was,我可以相信光是什么that is was good, 这是好的that it was longed for, 它是我所渴望的though I have thought it marvelous, 尽管我认为它很奇妙while I watched the sea and the sky, 当我看着大海和天空的时候I respected the lilies that Grow in my garden, 我尊重生长在我花园里的百合花and the moon, 和月亮
And don’t fret because I can’t see what you’re doing 不要因为我看不到你在做什么而感到不安 and couldn’t believe I was any famous in this town不敢相信我在这个城市有什么名气 or fill to you my feeling, 或向你表达我的感受and couldn’t praise your influence as I used to,也不能像以前那样赞美你的影响力But now I see how it must be. 但现在我明白了这是怎么回事And how that’s a virtue.这也是一种美德That in itself was cold, 这本身就很冷酷though with a utilitarian feel. 虽然有一种功利主义的感觉And this, in addition to the other. 而这一点,除了其他之外But why don’t we get a room 但我们为什么不找一个房间 and tuck it up in our bags with our scholarships and suits(we are so many), 把它和我们的奖学金和西装一起塞进我们的包里(我们有这么多)in a lodge, in a river of old clothes, in a gallery of stained glass, 在一个小屋里,在一条旧衣服的河里,在一个彩色玻璃的画廊里in a field(or forest) of skilled hands, in a bar of dried flowers, 在一片巧手的田野(或森林),在一个干花的酒吧in a field that was a city that would hold us, 在一片田野上,那是一座可以容纳我们的城市we could humanise the soft unearthly melancholy of a city in amiable daylight, 我们可以把一个城市的柔和的非人间的忧郁人性化,在和善的白天the fact that we were born a century apart and half a world away. 事实上,我们相隔一个世纪,出生在半个世界之外I praise the season.我赞美这个季节In the human world, 在人类的世界里researching the history of the creative force, 研究创造力量的历史I note that this is the season when most things are what they were, and should be, 我注意到这是一个季节,大多数事物都是它们原来的样子,而且应该是这样if we inspire the future with the hope of an endless turn. 如果我们用无尽的转折的希望来激励未来How you scale the steep你如何攀登陡峭的Will one day out of the reach of the fate of a lifetime.将有一天超出了一生的命运的范围
In the middle of my walking in the bright air 在我走在明亮的空气中的时候 with an impression as they used to do 印象中,他们曾经这样做 that I’m not to be believed 我是不被相信的 though I may understand why my own stardust 尽管我可能明白为什么我自己的星尘 gets me into bed tonight 让我今晚上床 why I am believed so much 为什么我被如此相信and another part of our camp is prominent 我们营地的另一部分是突出的we are one 我们是一体的 can’t be all at home 不可能都在家里 it was my heart engaging your eyes so hard 这是我的心与你的眼睛如此激烈地接触the way your eyes are turned 你的眼睛转过来的方式 forgive me 原谅我 but I was very happy 但我很高兴 these are the most beautiful of lessons you have taught to me 这些是你教给我的最美丽的课程in the late afternoon we were all on the fence 傍晚时分,我们都在栅栏上watching the miraculousness of insects in the shadow of the great, self-moving sea 在伟大的、自我移动的大海的阴影下观看昆虫的神奇之处 and you were just too clever, too empathetic, 你太聪明了,太有同情心了to grasp the far-off, functional, needy end of me没有抓住我那遥远的、功能性的、需要的一端that was why I came here 这就是我来到这里的原因 so I remember a number of all scorched April trees 所以我记得一些被烧焦的四月树木 on the beguiling night of the telegraph tours 在电报旅行的诱人夜晚 and the night of our youth 和我们青春的夜晚 with its many miracles, 与它的许多奇迹and all the great magics of the past和过去所有伟大的魔法and all the heroes who justly have graced this scene和所有的英雄们,他们都曾为这一场景增添光彩and seem to now beside the ancient threshold 而现在似乎就在这古老的门槛旁 and how it was I’m suddenly not thinking 我突然觉得that was the kind of funny dream we were having这不是我们所做的那种有趣的梦了