§ RMB+Drag =Pan left/right/up/down 鼠标右键+拖动=上下左右移动面板
§ RMB+Ctrl+Drag= Zoom in/out 鼠标右键+Ctrl +拖动=放大或缩小
§ ScrollWheel = Zoom in/out 滚动鼠标中键=放大或缩小
§ MMB+Click= Wheel menu 点击鼠标中键=圆盘菜单
§ Spacebar =Wheel menu 空格键=滚轮菜单
§ LMB+Alt+Drag= Split objects (aka 'The Moses Tool')分割对象(又名“摩西工具”)
While over an empty canvas spot:
§ LMB+Drag =selection rectangle鼠标左键+拖动=框选
§ LMB+Shift+Drag= addition selection rectangle 鼠标左键+拖动=框选新增
§ LMB+Ctrl+Drag= removal selection rectangle鼠标左键+拖动=框选移除
§ RMB+Click= Canvas menu 单击鼠标右键=面板菜单
While over an object:
§ LMB+Drag =Drag selected objects 鼠标左键+拖动=拖动所选计算器
§ LMB+Shift+Drag= Drag selected objects along 45-degree guides
鼠标左键+Shift +拖动=沿45°方向拖动所选计算器(经测试貌似是90度方向)
§ LMB+Drag+Alt = Copy alldragging objects 复制所有正在拖动的计算器(经测试貌似无效)
§ LMB+Click= Either select one object or do nothing if object is already selected 单击左键=选择物件,如果物件已被选中则无用
§ LMB+Shift+Click= Add an object to the selection
§ 单击左键+ Shift=增加选择物件
§ LMB+Ctrl+Click= Remove an object from the selection
§ 单击左键+ Ctrl =从选择的物件中移除一个物件
LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Click= Toggle the selection state 切换选择的状态(这个很好用)
LMB+Ctrl+Alt= Info mode 显示计算器在主菜单所在位置
§ LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Alt= Save info mode as image将显示计算器在主菜单所在位置的信息保存成图片
§ RMB+Click= Object context menu 计算器的详细菜单
While over an input/output grip:
§ LMB+Drag =Create a new wire创建一根新的连线
§ LMB+Shift+Drag= Create a new wire without erasing old wires不清除旧连线的情况下新增一根连线
§ LMB+Ctrl+Drag= Erase an existing wire by tracing over it删除一根现有的连线
LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Drag = Move all existing wires to some other grip
LMB+Drag+RMB= Create a new wire without exiting the wire tool(当一个连向多个的时候(从前往后连),链接一个后右击可以继续链接计算器)
LMB+Drag+RMB+Shift= Add a wire without exiting the wire tool(当一个连向多个的时候(从后往前连),链接一个后右击可以继续链接计算器)
LMB+Drag+RMB+ctrl= Remove a wire without exiting the wire tool(连续的减去连线)
While over a component icon on the toolpanels:
LMB+Shift+Click = Create a componentaggregate 选择多个计算器