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管理员|深圳老梁 发表于 2018-7-20 16:11:35 | 显示全部楼层
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Butterfly and caterpillar
This is my very first project made on computer, but anyway I'd like to share it because I like this settlement for its courage. These islands inspired by crazy Dubai creatures.
5-storied gallery apartment building is located on the river bank in my settlement, so residents could enjoy beautiful views.

Wavy wavy wave

This is a continuation of "Butterfly and caterpillar" project. This time we designed the central part of our settlement and the yacht-club as a main building. So, one my year fully dedicated to this non-existing land on Volga river -_-
The concept was two waves, crossing in a central hall, supplemented with a large semicirclre platform, from which you can enjoy sailing sports.

Microdistrict: open-air contemporary art gallery
It is so-o conceptual^^
Main features of the project are the following:
- Public spaces. These spaces could be easily reached by residents. They contain parks, pedestrian zones, museums and an entertainment center. Communications and motorroads are fully isolated at the same time. Developed public spaces extremely increase life quality in the city.
- Microdistrict-museum. Leading European cities are transformed into creative ones, where self-actualization of residents plays the main role. There is the pedestrian and cyclist promenade which is winding in its course in the whole microdistrict. Various contemprorary artworks are to be placed along it: graffity, sculptures or installations. Complete open-air freedom of creativity!
- Return to residential quarter structure. Public-private zones balance is the main advantage of quarter structure. Streets become public spaces with shops or cafes, while inner yards stay comfortable and safe. This structure (comparing to microdistrict) also has the ability to create a good community.
- Nonlinear housing. Radiating like tree branches buildings impede puff from the Kazanka river. Moreover, multifunctional housing creates new city look with much more various and intense communications.
Tools used: Google SketchUp (vray render), Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Autodesk Revit

Multifunctional housing comlex course project
Designed housing complex is located in the picturesque area of Kazanka river.
Structure of the building is mostly based on tree structure. Terraces-branches are moving step-by-step towards water, so there are many spacious and well-lighted grounds with amazing riverviews. Various glazing in the regular strict modules also represents the pattern of tree's bark.
The second idea is mobility of architecture. Appearance of the complex is changing during the seasonal change. Like a leafage, laced sun screens emerge on windows in summer. Moreover, all opened galleries and balconies are closing in winter by rotation of vertical venetian blinds.
In the end, combination of range of different housing units (from studio apartments to townhouses) and public functions in one complex creates intense and various space.
Tools used: Google SketchUp (vray render), Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Autodesk Revit

Swan lake swans
I'm proud to represent our renovation of Lebyagie lakes proposal ("Lebed" is swan in Russian). It was created on workshop "Lebyagie" in Kazan. This project took the first prize. Our team is the best! Love you all, girls*_*
Project authors: Anna Fedorovich, Anna Andronova, Anna Budnikova, Alice Silantjeava, Aigul Bulatova
Team leader: Eric Teregulov

Andette.rar (8.49 MB, 下载积分: e币 -2  e币充值 VIP免e币)
拓土新兵|xiaolu 发表于 2018-7-26 16:09:17 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主 | 管理员|深圳老梁 发表于 2018-7-26 16:10:28 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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xiaolu 发表于 2018-7-26 16:09

拓土新兵|happyxsj 发表于 2019-6-6 14:49:47 | 显示全部楼层
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还想还不错哦 嘿嘿嘿
拓乡士官|王松 发表于 2019-6-25 13:11:04 | 显示全部楼层
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拓土新兵|菜狗子624 发表于 2020-2-27 16:05:42 | 显示全部楼层
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xiaolu 发表于 2018-7-26 16:09

In design 或是 ps
拓乡士官|破破瓜 发表于 2020-4-28 14:47:59 | 显示全部楼层
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