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一个建筑可以从 细部 入手吗?
Can a building start with a detail?
一个项目是否能从 细部 开始?
Can a project start from the idea of a detail?
由“细部”开始,2015年,我们做了一次“众筹形式的出版尝试。当作者Christoph a.Kumpusch(匡孔明)将1000多页的书籍原稿摆在我们面前时,无疑为之一振。书中的经典案例如同被解剖般一一呈现,“细部”之上,被赋予了更为详尽的剖析。一本典籍,经得起时间的考验,经得起读者的评判。出版2年来,赞誉无数,严苛的“细节”考量着这本巨著,这部——《细部文化》。
零下15度的北京,鼓楼旁的胡同里,我们有幸再次与本书作者Christoph a.Kumpusch(匡孔明)会面,与其聊了聊《细部文化》,以及书以外的“细部”文化。初见孔明,难以想象如此“厚重”的一本著作竟出自这样一位英郎才俊之手。正如同这精细的装帧之下,蕴藏着的宏大结构和丰满细节。抛开它(他)的容颜,才发现竟是如此震撼人心。
*以下内容来源于 UEDx匡孔明 专访
Starting from the largest kit of parts, but also not just relying on building in that from smallest to the largest scale, but something that very much like moves in between scales. So details became very much a kind of a scaffolding in order to construct what yet needs to be sort out.
One of things that drives me very much is that I didn’t want it to be a kind of a linear book and I also didn’t want to be only index and I certainly didn’t want to be monograph or project book. How is it organized, it is organized not project wise but lens organized, so there is different lenses, like the corner, the roof, the facade, windows, fenestration if you wish so.
the book started with a series of buildings. In fact, 13, if you wish so. And all of these 13 buildings, don’t try to make a point in terms of style, or language,or kind of formal approach, but a very much a start to look at different ideologies in terms of where they were built with what background and with what drive in terms of also the program of some of them.
And then what we are trying in very simple terms, is like start to create acatalogue, like encyclopedia of ideas that you could instead of looking up a word, or an etymology, you look up a detail.
there is no photographs or renderings of complete buildings in there other than diagrams of it in order to allow you understand the context.
the reason that 12+1 project are in there and with the 13 really being the project within the project was because they are very much site-specific to the place and time that I was able to visit those projects in person. So the book itself for detail culture at large has mostly original photographs that I took and then drawings and became available as I was either living in some of those cities across four continents or working within the context of those projects.
Every single project is so different, But then you look at the book, you look at details of light pavilion or like Charles Renfro The Broador Peter Cook and Colin Fournier’s project in Graz and allthe details and materials are strikingly similar, so the materiality or the context of details becomes relatively unified. So there is 13 architecturally different projects but extremely unified in terms of understanding the DNA of it.
总之这本书想要读者用比较特别的方式阅读,以此来撇开线性阅读的传统。比如说当你在研读墙角设计的时候,你就会接触来到广州大剧院、或者时光阁、Carme Pinós 的立方体塔、妹岛的项目等等。就建筑形式来说,它们都全然不同。
it is very much a book that you read not in a linear way, but in special one.So corners, for example, just because we mentioned Guangzhou, the opera house or the light pavilion, or like Torre Cube by Carme Pinós, or Sejima and her project. They are all like extremely different the way they are looking, speaking of also its architecture forms.
· 建筑细部可以成为一个建筑设计师的设想开端吗? / Could architecture detail be one’s starting point?
Can a building start with a detail? Or can a project start from the idea of a detail? Absolutely. Just as you can start with you being inspired by a catalogue like data or the most incredible painting or sculpture that you saw, or the most amazing meal, or the most disgusting meal that you may have been eating. I do think like many things are responses, and they are also driven by what we engage with, simply citizens that are responsible,and architecture very much is part of that incredibly interesting moment of opening up questions, like living, using, engaging with what are surrounded usin different ways.
· 有没有一个特殊时刻或项目让你发现建筑细部和环境之间的关系的重要性? /is there an importance in the relationship between details and larger environment?
If you asked for, a single project, I thinkis no and yes. I think there was a moment that I started to realize at that time we kind of start to like rethink the obsession with fabrication and become more re-engage and interested in making. That probably was one of them.
But they are not very much looking at the finished product but a product or an ideain progress, so the question is how do you get to a building in understanding series of ideas that drive you verses looking at the kind of completion of it from outside-in is probably what one could considered as a key moment.
Author Introduction
Christoph a.Kumpusch(匡孔明),多领域事务所(Forward-slash)的联合创始人、曾被授予“莱奥纳多·达·芬奇”荣誉学者、鲁道夫·M·辛德勒学者、USAA学者荣誉称号。曾经任教于库柏联盟学院建筑系、康奈尔大学建筑学院、俄亥俄州立大学、Pratt艺术学院、南加州建筑学院以及哥伦比亚大学建筑设计规划与遗产保护学院。在建筑细部领域的研究,当世鲜有人能出其右。