1. Big Data in Urban Informatics
2. Navigating the Urban Jungle with Smartphones
3. Cloud Computing and Network Infrastructure in Smart Cities
4. Social Networks and Crowd Sensing
5. Urban Computing and the Internet of Things
6. Metering Infrastructure and Smart Cites
7. Green Computing, Networking and Energy Efficiency
8. Cyber-Physical and Social Computing and Networks
9. Urban Computing and Smart Cities
10. Smart Buildings and Green-Oriented Sensing
11. Smart Grid and Urban Energy Distribution
12. Smart Buildings
13. Smart Transportation
14. Smart Sensors and Advanced Metering Infrastructure
15. Intelligent Smart Grid Modeling
16. Noise Detection on Traffic Flow Data
17. Urban Sensing Based on Human Mobility
18. Pedestrian Intention Recognition and Path Prediction
19. Future Generation Communication and Networking
20. Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
21. Architectures and Protocols for (Wireless) Smart Metering
22. Ambient Intelligence
23. Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting
24. Vehicular Networks
1. Methodology of Urban Design
2. Urban Geography
3. Urban Ecology
4. Urbanization and Land Use
5. Urban Policy and Governance
6. Urban Tourism
7. Urban Transport
8. Urban Agriculture
9. Urban Studies
10. Sustainable Urban
11. Urban History
12. Urban Heritage and Culture
13. Urban Theory
14. Urban Landscape
15. Urban Construction
16. Urban and Regional Planning
17. Urban Economic
18. Urban Environment and Resource
19. Urban Infrastructure
20. Urban Health
21. Urban Science
22. Urban System