童心塑造玩趣空间 Sissi's Wonderland 目心设计研究室
谁要能看透孩子的生命,就能看到湮埋在阴影中的世界,看到正在组织中的星云,方在酝酿的宇宙。儿童的生命是无限的,它是一切…… For eyes that could see into it [child’sbody] there would be revealed whole worlds half buried in the darkness,nebulaetaking shape, a universe in the making. His being is limitless. He isallthat there is.... ——RomainRolland
在空间的不同领域进行设置限定,可引导孩子们自发地探索自由与隐私的界限,促成其个性的发展。多变的空间类型,不仅可为孩子们提供探索的动力,也丰富了儿童间嬉戏与互动的方式。在不同空间中的不同活动,体现了孩子们外向与内向的性格特质。在这体验式儿童悦读空间中,我们希望通过对空间的塑型(sculpturing)创造出符合儿童特质的体验场所,从而激发儿童的想象力与创造力。 The main topic of the project is to givedifferent configurations according to different realms in spaces. The varietiesof spatial typology provide children with experiential guidance to exploreboundaries between public and private spaces. During the process of movingthrough spaces with various qualities, the Introvert and extrovert tendenciesof children are well reflected in their behaviors. In the experimental childrenreading space project, we are aiming to create a cozy and amicable places forchildren to read and play, a place that inspires their imagination and creativity.
▽流线型的开放阅读区 ‘Streamlined’public reading area.
在对多个儿童空间进行调研与体验后,我们希望摒弃目前各种具象生硬、过度装饰、浮于表面且缺乏想象力的儿童空间设计手法,转而从空间形态本身的趣味性出发,将整个空间本身打造成一个巨大的玩具,让孩子们毫无束缚地、自发地去探索、发掘和创造属于自己的趣味空间和生动体验。 After careful researches on variousexisting cases, we found that the traditional way of children space design,with its flamboyant decoration, superficial embellishment and excessive use ofmeaningless figures, has lost its attractiveness. Hence we choose to make theproject different by concentrate on the shape of the space itself: it’s anattempt to turn the space itself into a giant toy, in which children can freelyexplore, discover and create their own lively experience.
▽概念分析-吹泡泡 Conceptual Analysis: Bubble Blowing
▽平面分析(gif动图)Plan Analysis
我们的灵感取自于所有儿童熟悉且热衷的简单游戏:吹泡泡。我们将若干个功能空间,按照其相应尺度,像肥皂泡泡般融合在一起。使这些不同功能的空间能彼此融合互渗——既令各部分构合为空间形象的整体,也确保了各功能空间能在边界处进行视线交流与身体互动。在小小的尺度里创造出多种形式和层级的空间形态。开放与独立、共享与私密、室内与室外等不同的空间体验在这里有机结合。 The configuration of spaces follows an ideainspired by the game of blowing bubbles: several spaces are arranged accordingto their scales and functions before recombined and attached like bubbles.Since spaces with different functions communicate and fusion with each other, amultitude of spatial forms and hierarchies are created, in which openness andindependence, public and private, interior and exterior are overlapped andinterconnected in a creative and pleasant way.
▽概念分析-开放与独立、共享与私密、室内与室外的不同空间体验 Conceptual Analysis, HeterogeneousSpaces : Openness and independence, Public and Private, Interior and Exterior
▽高低错落的阶梯,可作为座椅的中心书架Stairs with varying heights and the central bookshelf serving as chairs
▽半开放的独立阅读区 Semi-Public independent reading area
▽绿色植物从“室外”透进来 Plants permeating from ‘outdoors’
▽拱门外的环形过道The circled paths under the arched door
▽轴侧图 Axonometric
孩子的健康成长离不开安全且高品质的活动空间。本案运用柔和曲线作为基础的设计语言,运用流畅婉转的隔断墙体分割不同空间,在给儿童带来趣味性体验的同时尽可能的减少直角直线等硬质边角的存在,从而给予他们更好的保护。 It is essential for children to have a safeand high-quality environment as they embrace the world in its variousperceptive aspects. The smoothly curving plan speaks all for itself: curvedwalls not only feel more comfortable, but also enhance the perceptibility ofspace in a child. Square corners, hard materials and even straight lines areavoided wherever possible for the sake of better protection.
▽流畅婉转的隔断墙体 Flowingpartition walls
▽流线型的书架隔断与柔软的地面 Curved bookshelves and the soft floormaterial
▽轴侧图 Axonometric
我们在空间塑形中,始终贯穿着对儿童尺度的考量。在有限的空间和层高环境里,设计了多个高低错落的阶梯、兼作为座椅的书架、蜿蜒起伏的坡道、高度合宜的拱形门洞。其尺度皆以儿童的身体尺寸作为依据。在保障他们的安全的同时满足孩子们爬上爬下,躲躲藏藏的爱好。三岁到七岁的学龄前儿童,正处于主观世界向客观世界发展的阶段,对空间的观感最为敏锐;变化流动的空间,能使孩子在感知和交往能力上得到拓展,使其真正的天性在此获得充分的展现。 Thinking from the perspective of a child,we planned and divided the space in children’s scales. Though spatially limitedby the floor area, we managed to ‘squeeze’ in stairs with different heights,bookshelves that also serves as chairs, zigzagging ramps and mini arches inchildren’s size. All of these are in children’s scale. Boys and girls can climbup and down or play hide-and-seek in these facilities without parents worryingabout potential dangers and injuries. According to many researches, children of3-7 years old are in their most sensitive period of growing from theirsubjective worlds to the objective world. A flowing space like this helpsexpanding their perceiving and communicating abilities and reveal the true andcreative nature in a child.
▽彼此融合互渗的空间 Space that fuses and penetrates
儿童好比花园里的花木,具有内在生长的能力,他们的自我认知,由内而外展现出来。学习的作用,意在于开展和发掘其天赋和潜力。为了给孩子提供更亲近大自然的成长环境,我们特地以木材作为主要材料,白色作搭配,灰色柔软的室内地胶打底,并在空间的各个边界处设置多种绿色植被,从而使空间与周边植物环境能和谐共生。 Just as garden grasses and flowers, everychild has intrinsic ability of growth. Such abilities express themselves fromwithin. It is the function of education, therefore, to fully awaken and exploitchildren’s potentials. In order to elicit an amicable relationship between thespace created and the surrounding plants, as well as to bring children closerto the nature, we use wood as our main building material. The selection ofwhite paint and the soft grey floor glue further guarantees the children a safeand interesting place to play, learn and interact. We grow green plants on theboundaries where different spaces meet, which helps sustaining the dynamicamong person, space and nature.
▽生机勃勃的绿意 Lively green plants
▽平面图 Floor Plan
▽轴测图 Axonometric
▽剖面图 Section
施工时间:2016.11—2016.12 设计公司:目心设计研究室
合伙人:张雷、孙浩晨 设计团队:张仪烨、姜大伟、张书航
摄影师:张大齐 Project address: Nanhui District, Shanghai
Project type: Parent-child Reading Space
Design content: Interior design
Area: 108 m2
Design time: Sep 2016-Oct 2016
Construction time: Dec 2016-Nov 2016
Design team: Zhang Lei, Sun Haochen, Zhang Yiye, Jiang Dawei,Zhang Shuhang
Photographer: Zhang Daqi |