本帖最后由 QH912 于 2014-10-21 20:13 编辑
Architects(建筑事务所): BCQ Arquitectura
Location(项目地点): Barcelona, Spain (西班牙巴塞罗那)
Project Architects(方案设计师): David Baena, Toni Casamor, Maria Taltavull, Manel Peribáñez
Project Area(总建筑面积): 2,983 sqm
Project Year(竣工时间): 2014
Photographs(摄影): Ariel Ramirez, Courtesy of BCQ Arquitectura
Collaborators(合伙人): Alexandre Liberato, Mika Iitomi, Jordi Sánchez, Vasco Mourão, Roser Marí, Jordi Rodríguez
Building Facilities(建筑设备): JG Ingenieros S.A. / Mercadomótika
Structures(结构): Manuel Arguijo y Asociados S.L.
Direction(指导): IDP Enginyeria i Arquitectura
Renderings(效果图): Vicentiu Sopterean, Jordi Rodríguez
Construction(施工): Contratas y Obras Empresa Constructora S.A.
Cost(造价): 7,645,084
From the architect. The main decision was to build the new building below the old existing garden and not take a part of this space. The motto with which we presented the project to the competition of ideas was “Garden of Light”. These two words sum up the two ideas of the project: to maintain and improve the existing garden, and at the same time get cheerful and well-lit spaces. 以下内容由建筑师提供: 主要决定是将新建筑建造在现有的旧花园下,不占用该区域用地。“光之花园”的概念始终伴随着我们至呈交了竞赛设计方案。这两个词语总结了方案的两个理念:维护和提高现有花园,同时创造出令人愉悦的明亮空间。
The library is inserted under the garden of Florida Villa, in the shade of its trees. Inside, a landscape in itself, articulated and changing, where each use and each user find their place. It is a personalized and unique space. 图书馆嵌于佛罗里达别墅的花园下方,庇护在园内树木的阴影之下。其内部景观连贯而富于变化,使每种功能和各使用者都能各得其所。这是一个个性而独特的空间。
The building will particularly relate to Sant Gervasi de Cassoles street. The gap between the garden and Sant Gervasi street allow a natural access to the new facility. On the other hand, the green roof will be at the same level as the old garden, so the construction of the new facility will mean the restoration of the garden from the civic center in its maximum dimension, where Florida Villa is always the building that presides the whole ensemble.
建筑将与Sant Gervasi de Cassoles街间产生特殊联系。花园与Sant Gervasi街之间的间隙可作为通向新建筑的天然通道。另一方面,其绿色屋顶与旧花园处于同一水平面,故新建筑的建造将意味着于市中心对此花园做出了最大程度的重塑,而佛罗里达别墅始终居于主导地位。
© Ariel Ramirez
The building is formed by the “light and silence courtyards” and “books and knowledge courtyards.” The first, surrounded by glass, light and ventilate the interior while isolating the library from the street. The second, solid prisms filled with books, are part of the supporting structure of the library. 建筑由“光明与静谧庭院”和“书籍与知识庭院”组成。前者围环绕在玻璃和光之中,室内通风良好,将图书馆与街道隔离开来。后者则是摆满书籍的实体棱柱,作为图书馆支撑结构的一部分。
© Ariel Ramirez
Among the courtyards and the volumes, interior spaces for reading and work are articulated. These are spaces that should be small and seeking to give a comfortable feeling of domesticity to users. 室内的阅读和工作区穿插于庭院与体量之间。这些空间较小,旨在为使用者营造宾至如归的舒适感受。
The interior is designed simply with few textures; ceiling, floor, furniture and walls in general are white, while the walls that conceal the retaining concrete walls and building structures are covered with clay tiles. This porous material, warm and sound absorbent, is a reminder that this is a semi-buried building dug into the ground. 室内结合几种纹理进行了简单的设计;天花板、地面、家具和墙面均为白色,而用以掩藏混凝土挡土墙及建筑结构的墙面则覆以陶土瓦。这种暖色调且吸声的多孔材料提醒着人们这是一座半地下式建筑。
© Ariel Ramirez
To link the library with the upper garden, two volumes project. One of them is a space for library support with direct access from the lobby, located in a privileged area. The other is a skylight in the playground. 两个向上伸展的体量将图书馆与上方花园联系起来。其中一个位于特别区域的图书馆辅助空间拥有一条从大厅直接通达的道路。另一处是操场内的一扇天窗。
© Ariel Ramirez
The existing garden extends through the roof of the new library, up to the same road Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, from which arises a new access to the gardens next to the entrance to the main lobby of the Library. The original trees of the old garden have been replanted on the roof of the new library. 已有的花园在新图书馆的屋面延展,一直延伸至Sant Gervasi de Cassoles街,街道在图书馆主厅入口一侧开设了一条通往花园的新路。旧花园内的树已被移植到图书馆顶上。
原文标题:Joan Maragall Library / BCQ Arquitectura