As with many of the other tips in this series, this tutorial adds a last minute "kick" to an architectural illustration. What is nice about this process is that the contrast is increased, but at the same time, the sharpness is decreased providing an interesting final outcome. 像本系列其他的小技巧一样,这个教程是建筑图像表现的最后一步。这种处理好处在于能增强对比,但在创造出一种有趣的效果的同时锐度降低了。
Begin by openng the image in Photoshop. The original image that I will be using is below. 先在photoshop里打开图片。原始图像处理如下。
Right click on the image layer and choose "Duplicate." 右键点击复制图层(快捷键是ctrl+J)