It is open to everyone from architecture schools/students to practising architects or individuals.
Our competitions provoke, excite, inspire and stimulate creative ideas and innovation in architects and participants alike. We are a forward thinking and vibrant organisation who recognise the importance of giving people the opportunity to express their creative talent, vision and passion for great architecture. AC-CA是对所有人开放建筑竞赛,不论你是建筑院校、建筑学生、从业建筑师或个人。
我们的竞赛旨在激发鼓舞创意与创新,并受到设计师和参与者的一致好评。 AC-CA是一个具有前瞻性思维和充满活力的组织,并充分认识到给予人们表达自己关于建筑的创作才华、理想和激情的机会的重要性。 Project 08[SYDNEY] Container Vacation House
Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia. It is located in south-east coast on the Tasman Sea. The greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people. 悉尼坐落在塔斯曼海的东南海岸,是新南威尔士州的州府,有约460万人的人口——澳大利亚人口最多的城市。
The container is a metal box fabricated from slow rusting steel designed for transporting goods. Its dimensions have been internationally standardised according to ISO regulations. It is also used as a building module in architecture. The ease of stacking the containers allows for rapid construction at an advantageous cost. 集装箱是专为运送货物制造的慢锈钢金属盒,尺寸都符合ISO规定的国际标准。它也可以作为模数化建材用于建筑中,且具有易于堆放、快速施工、节约成本等优点。
The word “contain” comes from Latin word “continere” meaning to hold together, to surround or to store. A container is a vessel that surrounds a usable volume of space and thus defines the spacial boundary between interior and exterior. And as a walk-in box with useful spacial dimensions, the container fulfils the prerequisites for use as a spacial module. “contain”一词来源于拉丁词“continere”,意思是要抱在一起,包围或存储。一个集装箱就是一个包围的、可用的、定义了内部和外部之间的空间边界的空间体量。而作为一个有着可利用空间的步入式盒子,集装箱满足用作空间模块的先决条件。
The aim of this International Competition is to design a Container Vacation House overlooking the Bondi Beach waterfront in Sydney using used freight container. This competition hopes to achieve the following: 本国际大赛的目标是:在悉尼以货物集装箱为材料设计一个可以饱览邦迪海滩的海滨度假屋。 本次大赛希望实现以下目标:
_Encourage and reward design excellence at a small scale which integrates function, structure, details and the spirit of waterfront home.
_Research and investigate the various combination possibilities for freight container units to meet the specified program.
_Generate the discussion and ideas about the reuse of freight container modules and encourage the employment of sustainable -design in all aspects of the proposal. -鼓舞和奖励优秀设计:于小尺度建筑中,协调功能、结构、细部与海滨度假情调。 -调研货物集装箱多样组合的可能性,以满足特殊功能需求。 -产生关于集装箱模块再利用的讨论和想法,并鼓励在方案各个方面应用可持续设计理念。