A pointed archpunctures the red concrete facade of this Portuguese visitorattraction designed by Lisbonarchitect Gonçalo Byrne to present the history of a fourteenth century battlebetween Portuguese and Castilian forces. 来自里斯本的建筑师冈萨洛设计了这个位于葡萄牙的游客中心,一道削尖的拱穿透了红色的混凝土立面,呈现出14世纪葡萄牙人和卡斯蒂利亚势力之间的一场战役的历史。
The Centro deInterpretação da Batalha de Atoleiros was designed to host an exhibitiondedicated to the story of the Battle of Atoleiros, the first clash of aneight-year period of Portuguese civil war that started when King Ferdinand Idied without any male heirs. 为了举办一个专门讲解Atoleiros战役的展览,冈萨洛设计建造了该讲解中心。当国王费迪南德一世逝世,却没有留下一个男性子嗣作为继承人时,Atoleiros之战打响了,并拉开了8年葡萄牙内战的序幕。
Unable to situatethe building on the historic battlefield, Gonçalo ByrneArquitectos created the centre in the nearby town of Fronteira,eastern Portugal,on a site overlooking a park. 鉴于无法把基地选在古战场上,冈萨洛把游客中心建在了战役发生地——葡萄牙东部Fronteira 附近的小镇上,在那里可以俯瞰到公园。
The exterior wallsare made from blocks of pigmented concrete and have a coarse surface intendedto be reminiscent of the uneven construction of medieval buildings. 外墙由着色的混凝土块砌成,粗糙的外表让人联想到中世纪建筑参差不齐的建筑。
"The body ofthe building recalls the tactility of the traditional medieval construction,presenting rough textured surfaces very close to the primal textures achievedby human hand," said the design team. 设计团队说:“建筑的主体使人回想起中世纪传统建筑的触感,表面呈现出的粗糙纹理非常近似于人手所形成的原始纹理。”
Slabs of schist, afine-grained rock, are slotted between the layers of concrete to support thestructure and give additional texture to the facade. 片岩和细粒岩被嵌进分层的混凝土中以支撑结构,同时赋予立面更多的纹理。
The pointed archcuts right across the building to create a pair of glazed entrances beneath theshelter of the concrete. This glazing also wraps around the rear of thebuilding to create a row of windows. 一道削尖的拱正好切分了建筑,在混凝土屋檐下形成了一对玻璃立面作为入口。玻璃一直环绕到建筑后部,形成了一排横窗。
A curving woodenbench is positioned behind the windows, creating a seating area at the end ofthe exhibition trail where visitors are expected to look out across the parkand recreate battle scenes with their imagination. 一个曲线形的木质长凳放在玻璃窗后,在展览序列结束的地方营造了休息空间,在这里,游客看向窗外的公园,放飞无限遐思,回忆战役中的那些场景。
原文标题:Red concrete visitorcentre by Gonçalo Byrne tells the story of a Portuguese civil war battle 原文地址:http://www.dezeen.com/2014/01/16/concrete-visitor-centre-goncalo-byrne-battle-of-atoleiros/ |