The front facade of this facetedhouse in Singapore by FormwerkzArchitects is interrupted by a shard oftinted glazing.
这栋坐落于新加坡的建筑由Formwerkz Architects事务所设计,它的正立面被一个有色玻璃碎片隔断。
Formwerkz Architects were asked to create a family home thatretained the owners' privacy so the building's public-facing sides arepredominantly clad in wood but feature carefully placed apertures. Formwerkz Architects 被要求设计一栋可以保护隐私的家庭住宅,因此建筑的面向公共的一面大量覆盖了木材并谨慎特别地开了窗口。
During the day the tinted glass reflects itssurroundings, but at night a warm glow emanates from inside and permitsglimpses of the interior.
The architects explain that the angular formwas chosen to make the most of the small site and increase thespace available for the garden: "The sloping walls at the corners allowfor a smaller footprint while expanding the spatial volume at upperlevels."
A glazed entranceway dissects the building and separatesthe main living and dining spaces on either side. 玻璃般的入口将建筑剖开,并将主要客厅和餐厅分开于两侧。
At the rear, the houseopens up as large windows and terraces look out onto a sunken garden and a lappool surrounded by trees. 在后方,建筑以大面积窗口的形式敞开并有平台延伸至一个下沉式庭院上方,下面有一个被树木环绕的曲折水池。
A twisting staircase connecting the three floors has an oak-clad handrail on one side torestrict views from the street, while glass is used for the side looking ontothe interior. 连接三层楼的曲折楼梯一侧覆盖了橡木来限制从外界看到的内部景象,而玻璃则是用于从一侧能够看到内部。
Formwerkz Architects 以前的项目包括一个位于被有孔的混凝土墙包围的庭院中的建筑和一个位于升高庭院下方的两间卧室。
Like a monolith resting over the gardens, thesingle, faceted volume house the main spaces with their primary view to thewaterway. 这座单独的拥有绝佳水道视角的多面建筑如同一座伫立在庭院中的巨石雕塑。
The upper floors are split in the middle into two volumes that house thedaughter and the parent’s bedrooms. 较高的楼层从中间分为两部分空间作为女儿和父母的卧室。
The main entrance brings one into the centre ofthe house with the living and dining space on the sides. 主要入口把人们带入建筑的中心,而客厅和餐厅分别位于两侧。
The basement accommodate the guest room, entertainment, services andgarage, lit and ventilated largely by the sunken courtyards. 地下室提供了客人的房间,娱乐空间,服务空间和车库,采光和通风主要来自下沉式庭院。
The massing on grade is kept deliberately small to createmore garden spaces within the tight site. 地面的体块有意控制地较小,从而在紧凑的场地中获得更多的花园空间。
The geometry is derived from negotiating withthe planning parameters imposed on the neighbourhood and the desire to simplifythe building form.
The front and side facades are pared down with openingsstrategically position to allow optimal daylighting with minimum compromise inprivacy. 在正立面和侧立面上策略性地减少了开窗的位置从而在获得理想日照的同时泄露最少的隐私。
The sloping walls at the corners allow for a smaller footprint whileexpanding the spatial volume at upper levels. 转角处倾斜的墙壁在下方创造了小的使用空间,并扩大了上方楼层的空间体量。
Like its simple form, few architectural materials were used. The facadesare entirely wrapped in iron wood. The interior adopts alighter palette of oak and travertine. 就像它简单的外形,建筑材料的种类也很少。建筑表面完全被硬木包裹。内部则采用了较轻的橡木和石灰华。
At nightfall, fragments of the internal spaces are seen onthe facade. 到了傍晚,内部空间的片段会在外立面上呈现。
The muted, impenetrable volume graduallygives way to the volumes of internal light, revealing the intricacy within. 柔和不易透光的体块逐渐透出内部光线,显现出内部的构造。
原文标题:Diamond House by Formwerkz Architects 原文地址:http://www.dezeen.com/2013/08/22/diamond-house-by-formwerkz-architects/