本帖最后由 wse1048611476 于 2013-3-20 22:41 编辑
How do you combine the splendors of thesuburban backyard with the social intensity of urban density? 如何将郊区美丽的庭园风光与市区密集的社会生活相结合呢?
The Mountain Dwellings are located inOrestad,a new urban development in Copenhagen. 山上住宅位于哥本哈根一个名为Orestad的新城开发区。
When commissioned to design a traditionalhousing block and a speprate parking house.we proposed the combination of thetwo programs. 对于设计一个传统居住区和一个独立停车场的任务,我们建议将两者结合起来考虑。
The program consists of 1/3 living and 2/3parking.what is the parking area became the base upon which to place a terracedhousing development——like a concrete hillside covered by a thin layer ofhousing,cascading from the eleventh floor to the street edge. 任务包含1/3的居住空间和2/3的停车空间。如果将停车区设计成一个基座,上面覆盖梯田式的住宅,就象是一层薄薄的房子覆盖着水泥山坡,从十一层跌落而下直至街边,那将会是怎样的一番景象呢?
The parking area wants to be connected tothe street,and the residences want sunlight,fresh air ande views,so by combingthe two programs,all apartments can have sun filled roof garden,amazing viewsand parking on the same level as the apartment. 停车场需要与街道相连,居民需要阳光、空气和景观,因此若将这两者结合,则所有公寓都能拥有阳光充足的屋顶花园,优美景观以及与公寓同层的停车空间。
The Mountain appears as asuburbanneighborhood of garden homes floating over a 10-story building,offering thebest of tworlds:close proximity to the hectic life of the city and the tranquilcharcteristics of a suburban life. 山上住宅就象是一个花园公寓组成的郊区式社区漂浮于10层的建筑之上,它兼顾了两个方面,能同时享受到都市的繁华和郊区的宁静.
Unlike a traditional residentialbuilding,the Mountain helps to increase the property value of the project byreorganizing the program. 不同于传统的居住建筑,山上住宅通过对项目的重新组织提升了房产的价值。
Each residence is provided with equalamenities and the gardens are grouped in a way that is large yet intimate,withplants that change character according to the season. 设计为每户居民提供了同样便利的配套设施,花园空间宽敞而私密,一年四季都有不同的植物。
The building also has an integratedwatering system,which helps to maintain the roof gardens. 建筑还提供了集成灌溉系统来维护屋顶花园。
The residents of the 80 apartments are thefirst in Orestad with the possibility of parking directly outside each unit. 该建筑的80名住户在Orestad成为了第一批可以直接在居住单元外停车的居民。
The parking area contains 480 parkingspots,which service both the Moutain and VM Houses. 停车区包括480个车位,同时供山上住宅和VM住宅的住户使用。
There is also a sloping elevator that movesalong the inner walls to accommodate the terracing of the structure,and in someplaces the ceiling height is 16 metres,giving the impression of acathedral-like space. 还有一个倾斜式电梯沿着内壁移动,以契合建筑的阶梯状构造。某些地方的天花板高达16米,有一种教堂般的空间感。
The north and west facades are covered byperforated aluminum plates,which let in air and light to the parking area,andthe perforations in the façade form a huge reproduction of Mountain Everest. 建筑的北立面和西立面覆盖着穿孔铝板,为停车区提供通风和采光。穿孔板的立面上复制着巨幅的珠穆朗玛峰图像。
During the day,the perforations appearblack on the bright aluminum,and the picture resembles a rough rasterizedphoto. 白天,立面上的穿孔在明亮的铝板上呈现黑色,看起来就像是模糊的光栅图片。
During the night,the façade becomes litfrom the inside and appears as a photographic negative,rendered in thedifferent colors of the parking level. 夜晚,立面被室内的光线照亮,看起来就像是照片底片的反显,将停车区装点成色彩斑斓的世界。
Project facts项目细节 Architects: BIG Architects Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Constructed Area: 33,000 sqm 原文题目:MountainDwellings / BIG with JDS