本帖最后由 lightenshine 于 2013-3-20 16:03 编辑
Thisis a project for a wedding facility located by a suburban road. The clientdesired to launch a fresh wedding brand and requested me to create a designthat will be repeatable in their following developments. 此项目为郊外主要道路旁的一座婚礼殿堂,客户希望这座殿堂能够拥有一个清新的格调,同时此设计业可在未来有所发展。 Also,the client desired a new concept for their facility that reflected their uniquesite. Ordinary and traditional suburban wedding facilities would not use sitesas narrow and irregularly shaped as this one. 同时客户希望此建筑新的风格可以反映基地的特殊性,因为传统的郊外婚礼建筑通常不会选择建在如此狭窄且不规则的地块上。 Ishut the noise from the heavy traffic on the national road by creating atotally closed façade which dramatizes the extraordinary. In order to constructa building of the maximum building-to-land ratio on the irregular-shape site aswell as to render gorgeousness as a wedding facility, I introduced the idea ofpleated walls. The uniquely pleated walls serve as both decorations andbuilding structures. 建筑师用完全封闭的墙面将建筑与国道的噪音隔开,同时也突出了建筑的独特性。褶皱的墙面运用不仅最大程度地适应不规则的基地,而且也显示出了作为一个婚礼场所的豪华。同时,褶皱的墙体既是一种装饰,也是建筑的结构。 Thepleated wall has reversed pattern on its back counterpart. Therefore, even asingle pleated wall shows different looks on its exterior and interiorsimultaneously. 褶皱的墙面在其反面也扭转过来,因此,即使是很简单的褶皱墙体在建筑的内外看起来也是不同的。 Pleatson clothing bring a unique richness by folding a large fabric. It is a verysimple rule to fold. However, diverse folds host many functions such asstructure, decorations, and sound reflectors. 褶皱在布艺上的运用也为内部空间带来了华丽的氛围。折叠的形式很简单,但不同的折叠形成的褶皱可以运用于很多功能,如结构、装饰和声音反射。
原文标题:Pleats.M / Hironaka Ogawa & Associates |