The folded tops of these two-legged side tables by Taiwan designer Kenyon Yeh allow them to rest against a wall. 这种顶部折叠的两脚边桌由台湾设计师 Kenyon Yeh 设计,它们可以靠在一面墙上。
Kenyon Yeh designed part of each circular top to bend upward ninety degrees for propping the tables against vertical surfaces. Kenyon Yeh在每个圆形的顶部设计了部分弯曲90度来倚靠在垂直表面上。
The powder-coated steel items balance on two tubular legs angled away from the wall for stability and the prototypes come in pastel colours. 粉末涂层的钢制品由平衡在与墙成一定角度的2个管状支脚上来获得稳定。而其原型就来自于彩色粉笔的颜色。
"Kaki is suitable to be put everywhere as a place to rest books, magazines, a flower pot, a table lamp or small objects," says the designer. “柿边桌放在任何地方来作为一个摆放书、杂志、花瓶、台灯或小物件都是合适的。”设计师说。