More from architect Hironaka Ogawa: the two trees felled to make way for this house extension in Kagawa, Japan,
were reinstalled inside the living room .
The two-storey extension branches out into the garden of the 35-year-old family house to provide
a residence for the client's daughter and her husband.
The two trees stood in the way of construction and had to be removed beforehand, but Hironaka Ogawa
was concerned about the connection they had to the family's history. "Thesetrees looked over the family
for 35 years," he explains.
原有两棵树的位置妨碍了房屋的整体结构,所以必须事先移走。但是Hironaka Ogawa十分关注这两棵
The architect decided to keep the trees intact, dry them out and insert them into a double-height living and
dining room. The floor was sunken just below ground level to ensure enough height to fit them in.
"Utilising these trees and creating a new place for the client became the main theme for the design," says Ogawa,
and explains that the family asked a Shinto priest to perform an exorcism on the trees as they were cut down.
Entitled Garden Tree House, the residence also contains a mezzanine loft that squeezes in alongside the trees.
Bathrooms are tucked away below it.
Walls and ceilings are painted white, allowing the yellow and brown shades of the trees to stand out.
Trees were also the centrepiece of a wedding chapel that Hironaka Ogawa designed, which we featured on Dezeen
this week. See more architecture from Japan on Dezeen.
不仅这座建筑树木也同样是Hironka Ogawa 在Dezeen的一个婚礼教堂中的核心装饰。设计师期待能在Dezeen
原文标题:Garden Tree House By Hironaka Ogawa
原文地址:http://www.dezeen.com/2013/03/01 ... -by-hironaka-ogawa/