More from architect Hironaka Ogawa: the two trees felled to make way for this house extension in Kagawa, Japan, were reinstalled inside the living room.
The two-storey extension branches out into the garden of the 35-year-old family house to provide a residence for the client's daughter and her husband.
The two trees stood in the way of construction and had to be removed beforehand, but Hironaka Ogawa was concerned about the connection they had to the family's history. "These trees looked over the family for 35 years," he explains.
The architect decided to keep the trees intact, dry them out and insert them into a double-height living and dining room. The floor was sunken just below ground level to ensure enough height to fit them in.
"Utilising these trees and creating a new place for the client became the main theme for the design," says Ogawa, and explains that the family asked a Shinto priest to perform an exorcism on the trees as they were cut down.
Entitled Garden Tree House, the residence also contains a mezzanine loft that squeezes in alongside the trees. Bathrooms are tucked away below it.
Walls and ceilings are painted white, allowing the yellow and brown shades of the trees to stand out.
Here's a full project description from Hironaka Ogawa:
This is an extension project on a thirty-five year-old house fora daughter and her husband. A Zelkova tree and a Camphor tree stood on the sitesince the time the main house was build thirty-five years ago. 为了给户主的女儿和她的丈夫(提供住处),才对这个35年的住宅进行扩建。在35年前建造时,基地上就有一棵榉树和一棵樟树。
Removing these treeswas one of the design requirements because the new additional building couldnot be built if these trees remained. When I received the offer for theproject, I thought of various designs before I visited the site for the first time.However, all my thoughts were blown away as soon as I saw the site in person.The two trees stood there quite strongly. 因为如果还保留这两棵树,扩建的建筑就没有办法建造,所以移除这两棵树就成了设计的要求之一。从接到项目到第一次去基地实地考察,我构思了各种各样的设计。然而当我切身实地地站在基地时,我之前所有的想法都一股脑儿被吹走了。这两棵树坚挺的地站立在那里。
I listen to thestories in detail; the daughter has memories of climbing these trees when shewas little. These trees looked over the family for thirty-five years. Theycoloured the garden and grew up with the family. Therefore, utilising thesetrees and creating a new place for the client became the main theme for thedesign. 我仔细地听了这家人的故事:女儿还有小时候爬这两棵树的记忆。这两棵树已经照看了这个家庭35年了。它们装点了花园,和这家人一起成长。所以,善用这些树并为户主创造一个新的空间是这个设计的主题。
In detail, I cut thetwo trees with their branches intact. Then I reduced the water content bysmoking and drying them for two weeks. Thereafter, I placed the trees wherethey used to stand and used them as main structural columns in the center of theliving room, dining room, and kitchen. 我把这两棵树及它们的枝干完好无损的砍到,然后用2周时间,通过烟熏和风干降低树木的水分,最后我把这两棵树放置到它们之前生长的地方,作为客厅、餐厅和厨房中的主结构柱。
In order to mimicthe way the trees used to stand, I sunk the building an additional 70 centimetersdown in the ground. I kept the height of the addition lower than the main housewhile still maintaining 4 metre ceiling height. 为了模仿树木原本的生长姿势,我把地面下沉了70厘米,但同时仍保持天花板4米的高度。
By the way, thesmoking and drying process was done at a kiln within Kagawa prefecture. Thesetwo trees returned to the site without ever leaving the prefecture. 还有,整个树木的烟熏和风干过程都在香川县的一个窑内完成, 直到它们被安置回基地,都不曾离开该县。
The client asked aShinto priest at the nearby shrine to remove evil when the trees were cut.Nobody would go that far without a love and attachment to these trees. 在树木被伐倒时,户主请了一位附近神社的神道牧师(做了一个仪式)来消除邪恶。没有对树木的爱和依恋,没人会做这么多事的。
When this house isdemolished and another new building constructed by a descendant of the clienthundreds of years from now, surely these two trees will be reused in some kindof form. 数百年后,当这座住宅被拆除,另一座建筑被建造时,这两棵树肯定还会被用作另一种用途。
原文标题:Garden Tree House by Hironaka Ogawa 原文地址:http://www.dezeen.com/2013/03/01/garden-tree-house-by-hironaka-ogawa/