News: a house in New Jersey designed in1954 by the influential American architect Frank Lloyd Wright could be sold andmoved as far away as Italy in order to save it from flood damage.
快讯:一栋在1954年由颇具影响力的美国建筑师Frank Lloyd Wright(译者注:弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特)设计的房子会被卖出,并移动到远离美国的意大利,目的是保护它不受洪水的危害。
Homeowners Sharon and Lawrence Tarantino,who are themselves architects, hope to sell the Bachman Wilson house to a buyerwilling to dismantle and transport the house away from its flood-prone site inMillstone, New Jersey.
作为建筑师的房主Sharonand Lawrence Tarantino,希望把Bachman Wilson住宅卖给愿意拆散这房子,运到远离New Jersey,Millstone这个洪水泛滥的地方的买家。
"We have been here 25 years and overthe past couple of years the flooding has become worse. We have to do what isbest for the house," Sharon Tarantino told the Daily Telegraph.
我们已经在这里居住25年了,在过去这些年里洪水越来越严重。我们不得不做最有利于这栋房子的事情,Sharon Tarantino告诉每日电讯报。
The asking price for the residence is £1million, which includes the building and its furnishings as well as theestimated cost of moving it to a new location.
After plans to move the house to New Yorkfell through, the couple got in touch with Italian architect Paolo Bulletti,who three years ago organised an exhibition in Fiesole, a town near Florencewhere Wright lived in 1910, to celebrate the centenary of the architect's timein the area.
在移动到纽约的计划破产之后,塔伦蒂诺夫妇一直保持与意大利建筑师 Paolo Bulletti的联系。Paolo三年前在赖特1910年居住的佛罗伦萨市附近菲耶索莱镇组织了一个展览,来纪念该建筑师的百年诞辰。
"We have recognised that the BachmanWilson House was designed after Wright's second visit to Fiesole in 1954 andthere were many similarities to the design of his Fiesole house that wasunbuilt," said Sharon Tarantino.
我们认为赖特在1954年第二次参观Fiesole之后设计了Bachman Wilson住宅。这和未建造的Fiesole住宅有诸多相似之处,Sharon Tarantino说。
The Tarantinos have now signed an exclusiveagreement naming Bulletti as the Italian agent to research buyers for theproperty.
现在,Tarantinos已经签署了一个名为 Bulletti的协定,通过意大利机构调查购买者的所有权。
Although he has yet to find a site,Bulletti believes the mayors of Fiesole and Florence would be pleased to havethe house, given Wright's connection to the region, though it is still unclearif planning regulations would permit the house to be used as a residence.
尽管 Bulletti必须找个地点,但他相信Fiesole 和Florence的市长会非常高兴迎来这栋房子,以此来建立赖特和这一区域的联系。不管城乡规划条例究竟是否允许它作为住宅使用。
However, it could be "erected in protected land, a park or agarden as if it were a sculpture," Bulletti told the New York Times.
"We want to know that it has a futureif we are going to go to the trouble of dismantling it and moving it,"said Sharon Tarantino. "We feel that wherever it goes, it has to have aconnection to Wright."
我们知道克服分解并移动这栋房子的困难才有可能挽救它, Sharon Tarantino说,我们感到无论房子在哪里,都会和赖特一直联系着。
We recently reported that a Wright house inPhoenix, Arizona, could be bulldozed unless a new buyer is found or the cityagrees to grant landmark status to the property.
最近我们报道了,如果没有新的购买者或城市同意把这个财产标成地标,赖特这所在Phoenix, Arizona的房子就会被推翻。
Meanwhile, a New York and Athens-basedarchitecture firm provoked ire from commenters last month with its proposal toadd 13 floors to Wright's famous spiralling Guggenheim Museum in New York – seeall news about Frank Lloyd Wright.
Photographs are by Lawrence Tarantino.
照片由 Lawrence Tarantino摄
原文标题:Frank Lloyd Wright house could be shippedfrom US to Italy