本帖最后由 summer5un 于 2014-4-20 13:34 编辑
I put some more time into project portfolio upgrade continuing to develop the visitor center pages. The above sheets are a first pass at the layout and will serve as an introduction to the design and concept. Since the relationship to the landscape is such a crucial part of the design, I wanted the look to be bold and stand out in the opening pages. This meant desaturating the facing page and really playing up the color and texture of the site plan itself. Since the original project was designed so long ago, I had lost most of the information and therefore I had no idea where the exact location of the site was. All I had was an image of one of my old presentation boards. To get around this problem, I took snippets of satellite imagery and combined them together to create the final composition. 我花了不少时间在游客中心设计的作品集制作上,上图是本设计的第一个页面,主要表达概念设计介绍。因为建筑与景观的关系是设计的一个重要部分,我想把这部分在一开始的页面就着重表达,这意味着需要用基地纹理与颜色去撑起整个图面。由于设计这个项目已经是很久以前的事了,我已经失去了大部分信息,因此我不知道基地的确切位置在哪里,只剩下一份之前的展示图纸。为了解决这个问题,我把卫星影像片段和之前的图纸叠加在一起创造的最终图像。
Above is the hand drawn site plan from the original project. I began by importing the image into AutoCAD and scaling it to the proper size. I then traced the topo lines and exported the line work as a PDF. This gave me a scaled base to work from in Photoshop. 上图是之前展示图纸上的手绘总平面。首先,我把手绘图放入CAD中,缩放到合适比例,然后将等高线描一遍输出为PDF。这样就可以把一个有比例的线稿图底导入PS中。
I needed some textures and trees and the easiest way for me to find these was to take screen shots of satellite maps. In a matter of minutes, I had a good collection going. Above are the textures that I used in the final composition. 我需要一些纹理和树木,最简单的方法是直接在卫星地图上屏幕截图。在短短的几分钟内,就可以收集很多树木与纹理,如上图。
As mentioned above, I began with a PDF of the AutoCAD exported line work. I also used the rendered roof plan from the previous page for the visitor center building. 如上所述,我首先将CAD导出的PDF线稿与游客中心屋顶平面的渲染图叠加在一起。
I next started to overlay field textures. The satellite images had lots of brown and red tones. I fixed this by adjusting the Hue and "colorizing" the images. I also inverted the topo lines to give them more contrast with the ground. 然后再叠加上场地的纹理。卫星图像上有很多棕色和红色的岩石纹理,我通过调整色调和“着色”来把它们变绿。然后把CAD线稿反向变为白色,与纹理底图形成强烈对比。
The roads came next. 接下来处理道路。
Then came the trees. I spent very little time actually cutting them out. Since the trees are typically darker than the ground, I just set the layer blend mode to "darken". 然后是树,实际上我只花了很少时间把它们抠出来。由于它们通常比地面深,把图层混合模式设置为“变暗”。
Finally, I did some color correcting and added shadows to play up the topography. 最后,我做了一些颜色校正和添加阴影渲染地形。